Member Prize Draw

Since we introduced the Member Prize Draw in March 2012, our fantastic draw has seen 440 members win €852,450 between them over the past 5 years. The draw is held every 2 months (bi-monthly) and it costs €7 every 2 months (€42 annually).

This money is deducted from your unattached savings (i.e. those not pledged against a loan). So, it’s important to make sure your account holds enough unattached shares to be eligible for the draw bi monthly. The top prize is €10,000 followed by a number of other prizes. The total member prize for each draw is approx. €20,000.

All members of the credit union over 18 years of age are eligible to join the member prize draw. A separate Member Prize Draw Application Form is needed to become a member of this draw.

Member Prize Draw Entry Form

Please click here to view the draw rules.

If you’re not in you can’t win